Surge Ahead or Perish in Humiliation

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Dr. Shujaat Hussain


The first scientist and bachelor of India became the 11th President of the largest democratic multi-cultural country whose full name contains 31 letters and five words –Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam. During his tenure he was popularly called People’s President. Everybody wishes to know his realm of achievements in the field of scientific world –space, defense and nuclear. He made significant contribution in the indigenous Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV-III) which successfully injected the Rohini satellite in the near earth orbit in July 1980 and made India an exclusive member of Space Club, will it transform future of India? Mother India’s aspiration accomplished when a star twinkles in the temple town, Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu on October 15, 1931. This is the glittering star that the world sees on the forehead of the Mother. She feels pride in wearing this star on her forehead. His deed has brought honour to his Mother. Dr. Kalam could do with his Mother’s blessings. He says that surge ahead as a developed nation or perish in perpetual perplexity of poverty, hunger and humiliation. His idea is all about breaking away from the forces that would prefer us to remain a nation of a billion people selling cheap labour and raw materials and providing a large market for goods and services of other nations. We have all the resources we need such as man power, talent, natural bounty or other assets. India is truly and naturally blessed with means to flourish. No reason is left to face poverty, hunger and humiliation. Sometimes it puzzles Dr. Kalam: “Who am I to write about this capacity of India to realize its destiny a developed nation?” A gifted son packed with inspirational spirit for the betterment of India, devoted scientist who has heightened the peak of the glory, missile man who has laid the foundation of the visionary roadmap to build India a developed country by 2020. He lives in every heart and soul of the budding minds who are to be an ingredient of the mighty and prosper India. O my dear Bharat Ratna! The entire nation salutes your indubitable integrity, sincerity, humility, magnanimity, and virtuosity. It is immaterial if you have acquired nothing, built nothing, and possessed nothing –no family, sons, and daughters. Look at India. It is, by far, yours. One billion people belong to your family. Young boys and girls are your sons and daughters. You have already attained fatherly figure. 


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How to Cite
Dr. Shujaat Hussain. “Surge Ahead or Perish in Humiliation”. The Creative Launcher, vol. 5, no. 2, June 2020, pp. 1-22, doi:10.53032/tcl.2020.5.2.01.


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Kalam, APJ Abdul and Tiwari Arun. You Are Born To Blossom: Take My Journey Beyond, Ocean Books, 2011.

Kalam, APJ Abdul. Indomitable Spirit Rajpal and Sons Publishing, 2014.

Kalam, APJ Abdul. Forge your Future: Candid, Forthright, Inspiring, Rajpal and Sons, 2014.

Kalam, APJ Abdul and V. Ponraj. A Manifesto for Change: A Sequel to India 2020, Harper Collins, 2014.

Kalam, APJ Abdul and Singh, Srijan Pal. Advantage India: From Challenge to Opportunity, HarperCollins Publishers, 2005.

Kalam, APJ Abdul (2010). A Lecture on – Evolution of a Prosperous, Peaceful, Inclusive and Happy Society, Annual Lecture organized by National Commision for Minorities, 2010