Postcolonial Indian Feminism: A Study of Sensible Sensuality: A Collection of Essays on Sexuality, Femininity and Literature

Postcolonial Indian Feminism, Patriarchy, Oppression, Feminism, Sexuality, FemininityAbstract
Present paper attempts to study the key features of postcolonial Indian Feminism as represented by Sarojini Sahoo a feminist of international fame in her monumental work Sesnsible Sensuality: A Collection of Essays on Sexuality, Femininity and Literature. Linked with sexual politics of women, this work covers various issues pertaining to women like motherhood, marital practices, socialization of gender, beauty myth, feminine identity and female sexuality. Drawing upon theories of Chandra Talpade Mohanty critiquing monolithic concept of universal womanhood, this research paper underlines the Indian version of feminism as depicted in the text to be studied. The selected work is grounded in Indian socio-cultural context. Sahoo demands equal status for women in every sphere of life. Her bold and candid expression for sexual liberty for women makes her stand apart from the conventional women thinkers and writers. She redefines feminism with Indian perspective dealing with sensitive issues like rape, menopause, abortion, lesibianism from a female perspective.
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