Coolie: An Epic of Injustice and Exploitation

Realism, Social conflict, Humanism, Exploitation, UnderprivilegedAbstract
The nineteen-thirties were the most tumultuous years in Indian history. It was the time of Indian struggle for independence and everybody was effected by the impact of this even poetry, drama and novel too. So Anand could not remain uninfluenced by it. He suffered a lot so this made him hate imperialism. He was aware of the sufferings of our people from poverty and squalor. No one in India had yet written the epic on this suffering adequately because the realities were too crude for a writer like Tagore. Mulk Raj Anand a great Indian novelist draws our attention through his immortal characters Munno and Bakha, from real society. As a novelist he speaks on realism, conflict, humanism and exploitations. Anand wrote about real people whom he knew quite closely. Mulk Raj Anand awakens social conscience by his works. He arouses sympathetic feeling of readers for the oppressed and under-privileged, who suffer a lot.
- Cowasjee, Saros. Coolie. New Delhi: Rama Brothers, 2014. 169. Print.
- Ibid p.169
- Iyanger, K.R.S. Coolie. New Delhi: Surjeet Publication, 2002.120-121. Print.
- Narasimhaiah, C. D. “Naked Exposure of Caste System in Mulk Raj Anand’s Untouchables”. Etawah Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 4, no 2. page 14. 2014. Print.
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