Theme of Redemption in Eliot’s The Family Reunion

Atonement, Curse, Purgatory, Salvation, Sin, Suffering, Redemption, MythAbstract
Thomas Sterns Eliot’s second full length poetic play, The Family Reunion is known for its modernity in the matter of expression but medievalism for its contents. Nobody can ignore its importance about its recognition and contribution as a modern play. With this play Eliot presented different kinds of religious modernistic themes. It shows a kind of mirror to the psychological state of human beings. Eliot has presented the spiritual struggle of a lonely character, Harry who is suffering from the hallucination and experiences of having involvement in the act of sinister and desire for its atonement. Harry seems to be unavoidably burdened with the curse which is related to his familial background. Ultimately, he decides to expiate for the same. His feelings of expiation become so strong that he resigns the comfortable ways of life at the place where his family used to reside, the name of the place has been described as Wishwood although none of the wishes seems finely been perfected. He follows the path of self-denial for gaining redemption for himself and his community. Different kinds of mythical and religious images have been used and created to prove its religious concerns. The alteration of Eumenides from hounds of hell is justified not only by “Oresteia of Aeschyus. With this play, Eliot has tried to explain the idea that suffering leans to atonement. Eliot attempted to connect the classical with the modern. This play has two levels of reality. On the surface level, there is a reunion of the family members of Harry. On the deeper level, Furies pursue Harry. Agatha helps Harry to follow the bright angels. He suffers for redemption. This play reflects Eliot’s recurrent preoccupation with Original Sin. The play is remarkable to greater concerns which is related to a purgatorial confrontation between the human spirit and the Divine spirits which may be called as the Supreme Power. Eliot emphasizes the possibility of salvation through redemption.
Howarth, Herbert. Notes on Some Figures Behind T.S. Eliot. Chatto and Windus, 1965.
Smith, Grover. T.S. Eliot: Poetry and Plays. University of Chicago Press, 1961.
Eliot, T.S. The Family Reunion. Ed. Nevill Coghill. Oxford University Press, 1963. 95.
Eliot, T.S. Collected Poems 1909-1962. Rupa Publications, 1992.
Jones, D.E. The Plays of T.S. Eliot. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1960.
Maxwell, D.E.S. The Poetry of T.S. Eliot. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1960.
Mathiessen, F.O. The Achievement of T.S. Eliot. Oxford University Press, 1959.
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