Searching for the Self in the Novels of Thomas Hardy from the Existential Lenses

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Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Singh


Aham Brahmasmi’, the soul of ‘Hindu and Yoga’ philosophy, reveals the integrity of the Atman (self or soul) with Brahman (the Absolute). Unless and until, one understands AHAM (self), one can’t attain one’s BRAHMAN (Absolute). Not to talk about sages and seers, this ‘Absolute’ is nothing but a desired destination for a common man. The literature of the world is nothing, but the literature of the man, the literature of the choice, the literature of the free will, and the literature of the self—authentic and inauthentic. It is the self that makes and mars the man. This is why ‘Self’ has been a thing of debate since the rays of cultures and civilizations fall on the pious ground of this blue planet. Seeing all this, an attempt is made to describe in brief the ‘Self’ along with its various types. Why it is called an omnipresent thing and how it is an impersonator, is the next thing. It is also in the crux of this exploration. What the various theories along with the various theorists are related to it, is also aimed to mention in this paper. What the ‘Searching for the self’ or ‘self-searching’ is, and what the existential thinkers think about the self, is the prime of the present paper. The essential thing here is to shed light on how the major novels of Thomas Hardy are about ‘Self-Searching’ along with its examining through the existential lenses.


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How to Cite
Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Singh. “Searching for the Self in the Novels of Thomas Hardy from the Existential Lenses”. The Creative Launcher, vol. 6, no. 5, Dec. 2021, pp. 7-17, doi:10.53032/tcl.2021.6.5.02.
Research Articles


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