Concept of Self in Manju Kapur’s Home

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Nikhat Fatima


Home by Manju Kapur is a novel in which the protagonist is an educated middle class woman who fights for her identity and emancipation from her roots. She is brought up to befit in a typical patriarchal frame but she understands her the ways of the world and works to encarnate her own place and identity. Home is a place where a girl child feels safe and learns the traditional values of her family which after her marriage, she carries to her new home. Nisha, Manju Kapur’s protagonist is a bold character that passes through a number of ebbs and flows since her childhood days. Crumbled with the burden of traditional values, she raises her voice against the traditional values, and her family, not only for her higher education but also to establish her own identity.


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How to Cite
Nikhat Fatima. “Concept of Self in Manju Kapur’s Home”. The Creative Launcher, vol. 5, no. 4, Oct. 2020, pp. 43-47, doi:10.53032/tcl.2020.5.4.08.


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