Critical Discourse Analysis of Donald Trump’s Speech in the USA Election

Critical discourse analysis, Vandijk, Socio-cognitive-approachAbstract
This paper provides an overview of the analysis the discourse of Donald trump through the race to the presidency of USA. Trump recites this discourse in New York City on June 16th, 2015 under the heading “Announcing Candidacy for President in New York” from the title, one can conclude that Trump declares himself as a candidate and Republican nominee running for presidency of the United States of America. This speech is chosen because it marks the beginning of his presidential election campaign. It starts with highlighting the importance of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). In details, in this paper deals with CDA and how it analyzes the discourse of Donald trump race to the presidency of the USA. The model that has been developed based on Van Dijk’s model of Critical Discourse Analysis theory that eventually act as a backbone of this recent study. The result shows that any candidate for presidency of USA use different strategy to win and different ideology to persuade the American people to elect him, he use different strategy like number game, hyperbole and promises to convince the audience.
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