The Impact of Traumatic Experiences on Identity formation in Radwa Ashour's The Woman From Tantoura

National identity, Sharing Memories, Traumatic experiences, Collective Memories , Trauma as an Identity Maker,Abstract
This paper discusses the concept of identity formation in Radwa Ashour's novel The Woman From Tantoura. Ashour in this novel present the notion traumatic experiences and sharing memories as elements of identity formation for Palastenian people. Ashour uses multiple narratives to coexist, since multiplicity enriches the experience of Palestinian's collectivity identity. The Palestinian people use their suffering and sharing memories as act of survival. In this paper I have discussed Ashour's novel The Woman From Tantoura within the concept of traumatic experiences and cultural memory. I have used Aleida Assaman's notion of transnational memories and Astrid Erll's notion of traveling memories to discuss how both of traumatic experiences and cultural memory can be viewed as positive forces to affirm the national identity.
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