Postmodern Approaches in the Select Plays of Vijay Tendulkar

Postmodernism, Gender discrimination, Marginalization, Patriarchy, FragmentationAbstract
Vijay Tendulkar’s surgical approach to contemporary life earns him a distinguished place in the realm of Indian English drama. In Tendulkar’s theatre reality is often fragmented, socially constructed and theatrically presented. In his wizardry of theatre Tendulkar focuses on postmodern attitudes, marginalized voices, and contemporary social issues. As a sage of postmodernism, the playwright emphasizes patriarchal issues, gender discrimination, alienation, fragmentation, and the subversion of power-structure in most of his plays. The different plights are deployed as a vantage point for postmodern discourse. The sufferings of marginalized people, communal issues, and gay concerns get dramatized and reflected in postmodern perspective. Social issues, postmodern techniques, and symbols often challenges to conventions in his plays. This research paper examines playwright’s postmodern strategies that subvert power structure, challenge traditional notions, narratives and question the notion of reality. It aims to analyze the various aspects of postmodernism through the fragmentation of reality and identity crisis; social hypocrisy and moral ambiguity; patriarchal issues and gender discrimination; and the subversion of power structure in the select plays of Vijay Tendulkar, especially Silence! The Court is in Session and Sakharam Binder.
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