Urban Landscape and Political Violence in Anurag Kashyap’s Cinematic Narratives: A Foucauldian Perspective

Bollywood, Discourse, Foucault, Political Violence, Power-Knowledge, Urban LandscapeAbstract
This research examines the representation of political violence in Anurag Kashyap’s movies that are set in urban environments and the extents to which such portrayals are a mirror to society. We will first discuss what makes urban environments a haven for violent crimes and then, analyze the relations between the socio-physical determinants, power, and individual agency. By scrutinizing two of Anurag Kashyap’s films, renowned for their gritty urban realism, the study elucidates the ways in which these works articulate the contentious dynamics of political violence in India’s metropolises. Referring to the philosophical perspectives of Michel Foucault, we examine the dynamics of power in the politics of urban settings. This research uses Foucault’s ideas like power-knowledge, discourse, disciplinary bodies, and technology of the self to analyze how leaders use strategies and tactics that lead the youth to violence. The following analysis aims at understanding how, in addition to reflecting, Bollywood can actively contribute to building the perception of the urban turmoil, thereby understanding the role of cinema as a social mirror and critique. Overall, this research enriches the knowledge on violence and power relations and social control in urban environments and highlights the potential of cinema as a discursive tool for critique.
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