Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing English Language Education for Tribal Empowerment

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Raj Kumar Prajapati
Abhishek Sachan


Tribal communities, often marginalized and underserved, confront various socio-cultural challenges in their pursuit of empowerment. English language proficiency presents both opportunities and challenges in this context. English language education holds significant potential as a catalyst for empowering tribal communities, offering access to socio-economic opportunities and global connectivity. Despite the potential benefits of English proficiency in enhancing socio-economic opportunities for tribal communities, various hurdles exist in its effective implementation. Drawing on existing literature and case studies, this paper analyses the socio-cultural, pedagogical, and infrastructural challenges encountered in providing English language education to tribal populations. Socio-cultural challenges encompass the preservation of indigenous languages and cultures, resistance to linguistic assimilation, and community attitudes towards English language education. Pedagogical issues include the scarcity of qualified English language teachers, inadequate teaching materials, and the need for culturally relevant curriculum content. Infrastructural constraints manifest in limited access to educational institutions, insufficient infrastructure, and the digital divide. This paper also explores the potential opportunities, including access to higher education, vocational training, employment prospects, and participation in the global economy, that English proficiency can afford tribal communities.


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How to Cite
Raj Kumar Prajapati, and Abhishek Sachan. “Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing English Language Education for Tribal Empowerment”. The Creative Launcher, vol. 9, no. 1, Feb. 2024, pp. 31-35, doi:10.53032/tcl.2024.9.1.04.
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