An Ecofeminist Reading of Kavery Nambisan’s A Town Like Ours

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Ragavi. S. R
J. Edwin Moses


Ecofeminism is a term that shows the relationship between Ecology and Feminism. It is a branch of Ecocriticism which studies how the oppression of women is interlinked with nature. Naturally the “Land” is compared to a Feminine gender as it is fertile and nurtures the life similar to a female who nurtures her family and finally owned by a male as a property. Ecofeminism on the other hand offers a way of thinking which encourages interconnectedness of people with the environment and addressing the oppression and marginalization of women alongside. This paper focuses on how the protagonist Rajakumari is associated with nature and also about her psychological growth interlinked with the environment and with the other characters in Kavery Nambisan’s A Town Like Ours. The researcher will further critique the condition of Indian women under the patriarchy and how anthropocentric activities in the development process affect nature and humans.


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How to Cite
Ragavi. S. R, and J. Edwin Moses. “An Ecofeminist Reading of Kavery Nambisan’s A Town Like Ours”. The Creative Launcher, vol. 5, no. 6, Feb. 2021, pp. 180-93, doi:10.53032/TCL.2021.5.6.25.


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