Didactic Tone in the Poetry of Biplab Majumdar: A Critical Insight

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Ram Avadh Prajapati


Biplab Majumdar is a poet of great eminence and sensibility. Didacticism is one of the all pervasive visions of his poetic imagination. Didactic literature has contents of instruction, information, motivation, teachings of morality, entertainment, and educational reform. He is analogous to Alexander pope, Matthew Arnold, Vishnu Sharma, Evelyn Waugh, Rudyard Kipling, Kazuyosi Ikeda, R. C. Dwivedi, Vihang K Naik, Jaydeep Sarangi, Syed Ameeruddin, Robert Frost, John Bunyan, and S. C. Dwivedi. Majumadar is a great poet and social reformer. His poetic vision is to reform social, political, moral, religious, and educational evils and corruption. Majumdar has been serving humanity for a long time. His poetic imagination has moral and emotional values. He never writes to get popularity but writers to instruct, entertain, and encourage to his readers. These are some of writers who took poetry as vehicle of teaching and instruction.


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How to Cite
Ram Avadh Prajapati. “Didactic Tone in the Poetry of Biplab Majumdar: A Critical Insight”. The Creative Launcher, vol. 2, no. 3, Aug. 2017, pp. 593-00, http://thecreativelauncher.com/index.php/tcl/article/view/583.
Research Articles


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