Indianness in the Poetry of Biplab Majumdar

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Ram Avadh Prajapati


Literature is a colossal expression of thoughts emotions and different kinds of behaviours of the society in which it is written. Every society has its own feelings, ideas, value system, myths, history, religion, education system, culture, and tradition. Indianness is a concept and feeling like Americanness and Africanness. It is a kind of conceptual opulence found in literature of India in different languages. It is influenced by the religious background, cultural practices, philosophic ideas, attitudes of the society, myths, history, books, and writers of the time. India is a country full of varieties and vastness in the matter of geography and spirituality, religion and history.


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How to Cite
Ram Avadh Prajapati. “Indianness in the Poetry of Biplab Majumdar”. The Creative Launcher, vol. 1, no. 5, Dec. 2016, pp. 11-18,


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